
Wir trauern um

Ing. Peter Kutschera (75)

* 18.01.1949 15.04.2024

Datum: 02.05.2024
Uhrzeit: 13:00
Ort: Wiener Neustadt

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Kondolenzbuch Einträge:

Ing. Peter Kutschera


† 15.04.2024

David and Marion Wright:

Dear Andrea we are so sad to hear the news about Peter and we send our deepest condolences to you and your family. As you know we were very fond of Peter and really enjoyed the time that we spent with you both. He was so indulgent of our strange British ways and we have such fond memories of our get togethers in the Square. Peter very kindly gave us some glasses from his favourite brewery and we will treasure them and always remember you both whenever we use them. With love from Dave and Marion xx
Geschrieben am 21.04.2024 um 23:56

Ronald & Sabine:

Peter hat uns trotz der kurzen Zeit die wir ihn kannten eine Haltung, eine Einstellung zum Leben vermittelt, die wir immer in uns tragen werden . Danke dafür! Ps Liebe Andrea wir wünschen dir alle Kraft die du brauchst und hoffen ,dich mal wieder zu sehen.
Geschrieben am 21.04.2024 um 20:59

Charles & Michelle Farley:

Deepest sympathies to you Andrea. Peter was such a lovely man and a good “Winter” friend of ours (and you of course Andrea) since our first visit to Camping Pinar San José in Feb 2015. He was a great engineer and came up with many a solution for hapless campers over the years. Also a great supporter of the music and social scene over the years, always being non-critical despite the quality of the output. RIP Peter, with love, Charles & Michelle 💔xx
Geschrieben am 20.04.2024 um 20:02

Adrian and Jean Trim:

Sending love and condolences to Andrea and family on your sad loss of Peter. He was a lovely happy man who had an infectious laugh and a smile for all. We really enjoyed our friendship with you at Pinar. Peter will be sadly missed. Rest in peace dear friend from Jean and Adrian.
Geschrieben am 20.04.2024 um 18:47

Peter & Denise Rudewycz:

With love and Sympathy to a wonderful friend Peter. We loved spending time with you at Pinar . You always had a smile & a joke & a beer for everyone. You will always have a special place in our hearts Rest in Peace Peter Love & blessings to Andrea & family Peter &Denise Rudewycz 💔
Geschrieben am 20.04.2024 um 17:08

Moira slade:

Gray and I are so sorry to hear this news. Peter was a lovely person. There will be a big part of Pinar people missing. Our love and prayers are with you.
Geschrieben am 20.04.2024 um 14:20

Penny and David Payne:

So sorry to hear of Peter's passing. He will be very much missed. Pinar will not be the same without him. We have many happy memories of time spent together
Geschrieben am 20.04.2024 um 14:13